In a letter to help overcome depression

After the death of my father, I tried to talk to my mother in the record writing for a hobby. I wrote articles for magazines for a number of years and says that maybe he could collect a little money go to something if it concentrates his mind was writing.

Not interest them, so I forgot about it until the next visit two weeks later. "I decided to write a test," he said. "They want to see me in writing the book?"

Paper? Thehad not thought he would try anything so involved as a book, but I was happy to have found something to fill the time with her. A few minutes later came out of his room with an armful of cards with the first 15 chapters of their love story.

I was stunned. My mother had not even made the school, had never shown the slightest interest in writing, even reading romance novels, here and had written 15 chapters of a novel novel of it.And in just two weeks. I could not believe it. Especially since everything was on an old Underwood typewriter, typed with a ribbon very faded.

I sat down and began to read.

I think I probably say that the book was finished and his way of a best-seller by next time I visited. But no, the book was not so good. I think you can read romance novels have some side because they felt the form,After very good, and their writing was so good, if not better than many novels I've run across, but she was not interested in publishing it. You do not want people to know they have "written smoking," as she called it, love scenes. Actually they were quite docile, but I could change my mind.

No, have now demonstrated that they can write, as I wanted to write articles. At that time I have ever received for an article I had $ 40 and twice the amountFrom that moment on. Well, I thought. Once he discovers how difficult it is to resign, and will at least give her something to do in the meantime. I wanted to buy new tapes for the typewriter.

Writing is a wonderful therapy. If you have a loss similar to that of my mother suffered, in writing, has been a test. The beauty of writing is the problem --- most times you choose anyway. If you're in the mood to write a children's story, and write anChildren's story, or maybe you should write what is that "takes a great American novel Everyone always talks about.

Many people overcome stress and depression in her life from a diary and wrote something in it every day. I keep an online journal, which is more like my daily prayer as a real magazine, and I can not express what is just my feeling on paper or pouring aid as in my case, a blank document for word processing few minutes. It is likelyMakes your family happy, not having to listen to you whine and complain so much.

One might ask what happens, my mother's career as a writer. Well ', she also wrote an article about their cat and sold it in Cat Magazine for $ 50. Your first sale and it was always for voice, as I did. Believe me, it was difficult to digest. At least I had a cat, too, and although I had written, and did not take more than one item on it, the magazine itself,Was employed.

Then my mother wrote an article about the trip to the coast on the train when he was a child, and sold in Oregon Coast Magazine, a glossy brochure, which had also rejected an article of mine.

Then he discovered the magazine Good Old Times and has sold several items to them after they had all this 80th One day, when I asked what was his current project, surprised me by saying: "I am ready to write. He showed me held by your father for a while 'but I Haveother things, it now needs. "And they continued to do so for another 12 years.

I must say that my mother pushed short-lived career as a writer I always serious mine, and now I recommend a good way to relieve stress and depression in writing.

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