How to sell 100 million books

The legendary bookseller, E. Haldeman-Julius was one of the biggest publishing sensations of all time. She has sold over 100 million books in 1920 - this is an eye-watering amount of revenue from Standard Anyone.

In total he has published about 2,000 titles as part of a series called Little Blue Books. What is particularly interesting that all books were similarly packed into one. All had blue covers and there was little to distinguishthem.

No sales copy has been used to promote it. This meant that decisions were based primarily on the buyer's qualifications.

Fortunately for us, Julius-kept detailed records of all his books to sell Haldeman. There is much we can learn from his books:

Or How can conversation has sold 77,000 copies while The Novel of the words appeal to nearly 10,500 readers.

The art of kissing or 60 500 copies sold, while the type of advertising sold 17,500.

and Modern Aspectsbirth control has sold 73,000 copies. Debate over birth control has only sold 27,000.

Or the psycho analysis Yourself 29 000 copies sold, while As Psycho Analyzed Myself sold only 13,500 copies.

For these non-fiction, we can see that features like "Kissing win" in general terms as "courtship".

Readers respond well to "How to ..." The messages that they say exactly what they learn.

You also get hooked using the second person (you,you). This is the WIFM (What's In It For Me? ") Principle at work.

solemn words like "debate" have less charm than ordinary words and phrases.

No doubt there will be other factors at work, as readers and customer database. However, there can be little doubt about the book because the book is your number one tool to get people buying.

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