Betty Boop Figurines - How to find and appreciate them

Betty Boop Figurines - Fine Arts and value of investments

Collecting has long been a popular pursuit for fans of TV series, cartoons, films and comics. Collection of memorabilia from these forms of entertainment makes for a fun exciting and often profitable hobby for many fans.

Although the fascination or obsession with a particular paper or character is a collection are often sold to provide funds for all the latest plots or for some "extra" andmuch-needed cash. In this article we will explore this phenomenon with a sheath dress sex symbol who was with us when the 1930th

Background of the sultry singer

As has become the first screens August 9, 1930, Betty took the little hearts of fans around the world. Created by animator Myron "Grim" Natwick, its popularity has now lasted for over 80 years, and it is clear that it will become and remain an icon and enduring sex symbolfor a long time to come.

Combining the best features of two icons of 1920 - Windows siren Clara Bow and sensual singer Helen Kane - Betty won fans through their rare combination of incredible sex-appeal and great hearts.

Their popularity in front of the big screen in the homes and hearths by collectors around the world as fans can take home with Betty Betty Boop in a variety of goods demanded.

A group of collectorsBetty Boop figures of these products.

Why Betty Boop figurines so popular?

While many forms of Betty Boop memorabilia have proved worthy of collection, including plates, mouse pads, plates, music boxes and biscuit tins, one of the incarnations of the most enduring character Betty Boop.

Our hypothesis is that the figures so far gained in popularity because they present and recoverability of Betty in all her glory in three dimensions.

Rare figures dateback to 1930, when Betty was at the height of their popularity. Committed collectors search far and wide for these rare find very difficult.

During this almost secular figures a high price for those who find that they can bring in and work around them, can Betty Boop Statues of more modest means collectors can be enjoyed in order to reach a budget Betty collector .

This combined with the accessibility of Betty natural charisma have made him one of the most popularCollectibles with a rabid and enthusiastic fan base.

Where can Betty Boop figures?

It is not hard to find these figures. Online abound in Amazon, eBay and numerous shops. You can also usually find them in vintage collection and souvenir shops.

They are usually priced generally from $ 15 to end below $ 40 or higher.

There are also some "Special Edition" available to collectors as the "CalendarGirl "series. Special editions are usually hand painted with a brush, with certificate of authenticity.

A caution for beginners, there are many lower Betty Boop figures out there. As always, carefully check the certificates of authenticity, collection of revenue (if any) and all information, collectors forum.

Determining the value of your Betty Boop Figures - How much are?

While the value of is in the eyeBuyer and ultimately the whole manifold is always worth paying a buyer, willing seller in an arms transaction, the emotions inevitably comes into play whenever a passionate collectors are involved.

To record an idea of what your numbers are thumbnail is the easiest and fastest is only for your eBay account and do a "completed items" search of Betty Boop figurines.

This will show you what real people in real life operations paid for the purchase and saleThis collector's items. Be sure to check whether the lists, because authentic vintage figurines Betty will go for much more if they sell them, meeting with the channel of a collector as an eBay auction.

To use the eBay search results as a guide, not as values but the Bible. Remember, all you have to do is find someone for the character you have and you'll be trying to get a better price.

A 80's Revival

Betty enjoyed a rebirth ofPopularity in the 1980s, ubiquitous on bags, belts, prints T-shirts, belts, scarves, key chains, blankets, and especially in art.

This recovery was probably due to its appearance Betty in three films of this decade, including the popular "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (1988) and "The Romance of Betty Boop" (1984) and "The Betty Boop Movie Mystery "(1989).

Light-Hearted collectables to brighten your day

If you liked BettyBoop, and how you could then look at their pictures and other memorabilia and to capture some of the nostalgia and innocence that is evil.

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