Book Review of "free flight"

Book Review of "free flight"
Written by Amber Polo
Treble Heart Books
ISBN: 978-1-936127-05-04
273 pages
$ 11.95
4.5 stars

Amber Pens Polo Romantic Suspense soaring contemporary "free flight". Surrounded by picturesque Arizona desert, "Flying Free" will take the reader on a journey of love, laughter and find yourself.

The novel begins with forty years, Amelia (LIA) Bedford in training for their pilot's license to obtain. Liareceive their license as a condition of his Father's will, if they want to preserve their heritage. Lia comes from a large city in Texas, a small community near the airport to fly Sunrise, who lives in Arizona. For Leah, the change is unfortunate, though, as community members seek to make them feel welcome.

Leah is not the only new member of the Airpark. Seth is a tenant led as a consultant for a withdrawal that Branock Industries is expanding. Seth is different from all the people Lia was before I met her. First,he is in mediation. He is also a vegan and Buddhist. Soon the community takes Seth under his wing.

Lia is the kind of man his father through the Sunrise Community Airpark was white. You learn how to live and live, and he realized what was missing in his life was. Soon Lia takes a chance and embark on an affair with Seth.

Complications arise when an unknown company to buy land to start the Airpark, and the possibility Branock begins, a film aboutResidents. Seth sees the film and realizes it is to discredit the older members of the Airpark. Seth thinks that the odds are not good and voices his suspicions Leah. Lia has become a concern for their fire, the neighbors generally or left Branock Industries get its way?

Polo writing is fresh and takes the reader. The pace of the story moves well, slows down exactly the right place before returning to drive. The story captures a unique and authentic voice that rings true withthe reader.

Characterization, where Polo is polished. His characters, especially their roles are unique, rich and well developed. Leah, the heroine, is full of complexity. I like the idea of Amelia in his name, citing the famous Aviator female contact Amelia Earhart. The novel reflects not only Sunrise Airpark, but has a deeper meaning of Leah, to fly freely for the first time in her life and faithful to itself learns.

Polo descriptions are rich and vibrant.Use good marketing words of his attitude, did not complain to paint the player. Their dialogue is sharp, funny and unique for each character. The cast is very strong and well developed. It 'been a pleasure to learn Flo, Barney SA, and Berg.

There are love scenes, and perhaps a kiss or two intimate, that the novel "sweet" romantic standards. "Free Flight" will take the reader on a journey from the wings of love.

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