The chase by Suzanne Brockmann

Book # 15 in the series Troubleshooter
Posted by Marisa O'Neill
Publisher: Ballantine
4 stars

Dear Readers,

Short review: Hot Pursuit t is the last book in the series Troubleshooter. To me that was enough to go out and buy the book. What? This is not enough for you? OK, read the long post.

Long Review: I've made no secret of books by the fact that I am a big fan of Suzanne Brockmann romantic tension, especially theirTroubleshooting series. I would also say that while I look forward to each new book in the series (I buy hardcover), and I read all the books very high expectations, but wrongly, that his power is great, I expect these books. So I said so loud, that's what I want. So, after harvest and Hot Pursuit, I sat and read from cover to cover in one sitting, and it was great. In all honesty I do not know if it was great because, well, I love women soBrock writes, or because the book focuses on two beloved characters - Sam Starrett and Alyssa Locke. Whatever the reason, and I suppose I could read them a new one, to find the answer I'm in love with his characters, as I always do. Hot Pursuit is for me, as in all Brockmann's books about the characters, the characters take the train. Solving the mystery is interesting, yes, but again, his characters as the relation between them and how to attack"Mission" is fascinating.

In Hot Pursuit, are Alyssa Locke and her husband Sam Starrett in New York for a simple task. Both Alyssa and Sam are employees of Troubleshooters Inc., one of the best private security companies around the world. It seems a New York State Assemblywoman received serious hate mail and must teach Alyssa and his team to Assembylwoman and their employees some simple self-defense techniques and beef Safety Office. Sounds simple. InIn fact, Sam and Alyssa take his young son along thinking that maybe you'll get in some sightseeing in New York as we are. Of course, sightseeing is definitely removed from the menu when an old nemesis serial murder is called the dentist to Alyssa and young women are murdered syringes.

Hot Pursuit lists many beloved characters in this series best-seller, especially Navy SEAL's, Izzy, Gillman and Tony Lopez. Jules Cassidy and her husband, actor Robin Chadwick,are still visible. Ah, it's like coming home, joy, love again with a lot of familiar characters. And that's the beauty of this series, as a reader, you can always go home, and is a friendly place. Mrs. Brock has a unique way to grow their characters and change, and we're still in the end, I love them, good or bad. With each new book, with each new character, we still want to know what happens in the rest of the Navy SEAL's and Troubleshooters presents itself to us over the years. So yes, Sam and Alyssa, two characters who have been with us almost from the beginning of a contradictory relationship of lovers to partners, husband and wife, parents. And we have the chance to experience their trip was. In two subsequent book, you can see the respect and love they have for them and the work that goes into their relationship. The ability to develop this relationship to a> Book and the characters interesting, the action fresh and exciting, the tension is the work of an author who not only knows his characters, but he knows how to tell a great story.

As usual, it is not a sign of resolving problems without the introduction of the new book. Mrs. Brock is always at least two story lines going at once romantic, with 2 different heroes and heroines of 2 different. She has always reassured us with at least one happyExtension. Thank God, of course, is that we have a hero and heroine, the work unfinished. And Ms. Brockmann is never predictable, because you never know if and when the hero or heroine, you have come to know and perhaps also fond of getting their happy ending. (For the fans, I need to mention Decker and Sophia dark night - not that it is a shock and a delicious, unexpected, surprise worth waiting for). In Hot Pursuit, learn Jenn, Assemblywoman meet the assistant.It is not your heroine Drop Dead Gorgeous, she is a normal girl size 12, which is a bit 'too big, most likely with shops in Marshall and glasses. Your hero is the unlikely and very nice Navy SEAL Gillman. With its internal problems and struggles, it's all about the expiration date, that its getting to the dentist in his room and staff. The two approaches, the new couple Sam and Alyssa decided that the couple have a son, and Jenn and Gillman to 14 days of great sex ringtrue - the dialogue between them and what is not said to give credibility these four people. It gives you the credibility of a desire, as readers know more about them.

So, dear reader, if you are looking for a romantic tension with characters that are not only friendly, but real on the ground, with great dialogue and a sense of home for people that love is already filled or meet for the first time and looking for love begins with a point on the narrative andan exciting puzzle, I have proposed, Hot Pursuit.



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