Review of the book for "children in the Bargain"

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Book review: "Children in the Bargain"
- Written by: Mona Risk
- Wild Rose Press
- ISBN: 1-60154-514-2
- 204 pages
- Press / Ebook
- 4 stars

Reviewer: Stephen Burkhart

pins Risk of a solid character driven story will tug on the fever with "The children in the covenant." A contemporary novel set in Washington DC, "Babies come in," Dr. Holly Collier, it is difficult to maintain a heroin program, but if Dr. Marc Suarez returnsin his life, the program of Holly, and his heart in more ways than one in question.

Dr. Holly Collier has another year left in their neonatal training must first pass the exams. They have dedicated their very young patients, but their world is shaken when an old flame, Dr. Marc Suarez is set to anesthetist. Holly and Marc had a budding relationship seven years ago, but when he went to Puerto Rico to help his family has fallen to the report.

Marcthrilled to see Holly again but can not understand why she is so reticent. The tragedy brings them together, if Marc's brother, Carlos, and the wife of Carlos', Lydia, were killed in a car accident, leaving behind a baby son. Marc is devastated and vows to raise the boy, whom he named Paul. Holly, from what happened to Marc is moving, to get him. Marc and Holly approach provides as Holly's brother Paul when Marc gets back to Puerto Rico for his funeral.

Holly is impressedMarc efforts to care for the child. spontaneously when Marc asks Holly to move with him, Holly agreed, but dare to give the sexy doctor, and his heart, another chance for love?

Risk of writing is readable and the reader involved right away. The plot flows well and there is never a dull moment.Risk used a good economy of words, the reader vivid descriptions of Marc and Holly's world, making it easier for the reader's imagination the approach of the book.

Marc andHolly are complex characters that grow to see the happy. Holly's commitment to his medical career is admirable, but it is gratifying to grow his compassion and love as a cure for Paul. Marc is a good guy who is put in a difficult situation. It 'refreshing to see how to take care of himself so that his grandson. When Marc is the confidence of Holly, it's nice to see him confide his problems to her. "Children in the Bargain" is a challenge for readers of romance. The love scene is sensual andgood taste. Overall, the story is one that will leave the reader with the belief in the power of true love.

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