Hot Romance Stories - Looking For Love

Hot romance stories now available range from a gentle and sensitive love fantasy fiction fantasy creatures and erotic sex play, the belt tension. They invite readers of adventure beyond their normal life experience.

Some hot-fiction classics like "The Story of O '(French author Anne Desclos, writing under the pseudonym Pauline Reage - English version published in 1965) can not be readily available (you can probably copy a second-hand)." Story of O "was a huge commercial success and won a literary prize. However, there are many other erotic novels that are available today. Unfortunately, they can sell much, but they are often written with less psychological insight, and without his calm, almost serene, elegant style.

Hot romance today have considerable freedom in the creation of the main characters. Some are very "realistic", since with cowboys, policemen and soldiers, but they still have great sexAction. Others immerse themselves in fantasy and imagination. There are a lot of vampires, werewolves, demons, and even murderous cat-based characters. Women are often - but not always - very nice and always a great nostalgia and longing for love.

Some authors write in this genre-productive and do not feel that need to be realistic, but give a signal that the reader can not identify, as in 'Pleasure Unbound ", followed by Larissa Ione. The heroine is a demon slayerwith a great thirst, that their sexual denied. Unfortunately, the character with the biggest attraction for them a hot demon!

Lora Leigh is another who writes a lot and with great imagination. In 'The man inside', the people loved by the hero, a genetically altered Feline race whose presence has alarmed the world. In "Guilty Pleasures", the women had husbands or lovers who are members of an exclusive and select the "Club", where he was invited third in their beds.

Somehave produced a new version of the folk tales. For example, "" Enchanted. Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women by Nancy Madore some of the world's most famous fairy tales, has put together a collection of erotica.

Others, like trying to controversy. In "Bedroom Bully" by Trista Russell, the novel is basically a romantic suspense novel. However, a key feature of the main character is always passionate and in love with the man, who was taken prisoner, involved!

Not toto see the scenes of Lorelei James described. In "Tied Up, Tied Down ', the plot is a piece of rope as the cowboy-style hero used to the heroine of" bound "to hold it in no taboos in sex games.

Hot Romance is clearly alive and well, as well as reading avidly read by millions of fans who like a touch of eroticism with her before bedtime.

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