Book review of "Devil in Winter"

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Book review: "Devil in Winter"

Written by Lisa Kleypas

Avon Books

ISBN: 978-0-06-056251-9

374 pages

Print / ebook

4.5 stars

Kleypas pens a fascinating tale of romance and fun with "Devil in Winter". This is the book of three in Kleypas's "Wallflower Series, a series of short stories, the four friends in Victorian England.

Set in London 1843, Evangeline (Evie) Jenner, a "tapestry" by a young woman withbright red hair, freckles and an embarrassing stutter. But while their appearance, also used a borrowed match "tapestry" Evie has a strength of spirit and courage that few men.

The novel begins with Evie approaches Viscount Sebastian St. Vincent, a villain in the highest degree, and proposes a marriage of convenience. Evie's father is dying and you are going to inherit his club gambling, only the mother of a family in possession of a brutal, eye on them. Now that Evie is theOld leaves her on a proposal from St. Vincent. Not the kind of woman that his attention at first sight to catch, but their courage struck him. When asked Evie, because he, she would prefer a hell of their choice answers.

Evie and Sebastien quickly Gretna Green, Scotland and get married. Sebastien motivations for entering the marriage initially include the promise of happiness Evie, but soon discovers that Evie is made of stern stuff, and he admires them forit. met after a wedding night with passion, Sebastian acknowledges that Evie has its soul in a way that other women have not touched.

Back in London, Evie and Sebastian, the club game, where Evie's father dies. Joss Bullard, a man in the club and the family Evie give the couple a challenge to meet, especially when Bullard to shoot a gun Evie target. However, Sebastian is taking the ball to his wife. Evie wants to give her rake of a man a chance at love, whenrecover?

Kleypas writing is crisp. The plot is sound and character driven. The pace slowed down to let in just the right parts the reader's breath away.

Kleypas descriptions are rich and vibrant, with a good economy during the downturn ever in history.

Both Evie and Sebastien grow as characters. When we first meet Sebastian, which is flat and involved in material wealth. To contribute, run the club and trust in Evie learns, grows, has discovered that Eviedetermined character, my courage and strength to him more like a possession.

When we first meet Evie shows her courage Sebastien early stages. You can feel good about him because he knows what to expect from him. Reduced their stuttering as Sebastien extends confidence in her, and she is learning to trust him again.

The novel is "sophisticated / intense" for romance readers and Kleypas love scenes are graphic, but tasteful. Overall, "Devil in Winter" is a shame that the readingthe reader to turn to find out what happens next.

Posted by: S. Burkhart

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