Characters in a romance novel

Before you start your novel, you need to know who your characters. At a minimum, you want the two main characters, the hero and heroine. They are usually interact with each other throughout the novel. How they interact with each other the result of history is determined. Will be able to resist any fall in love with the beginning and end of the story is true? Or fall in love at the beginning of the story and are then divided by conflict? AfterYou've selected them, then you need to decide what age they are, their personality characteristics, and their names.


Age-appropriate measures are critical to the development of character. When the protagonist is a teenager, they react differently to situations, like when she is in her thirties. The same goes with the hero. In a love story, a typical heroine is in her early twenties, while the hero is older. If he is in his early twenties, he should not be referred to as a mogul, unlessSure, he inherited his fortune. If he is in his thirties, he does not show activities that are immature for his age.

Personality Traits

A character in the novel has all the personality traits that make them unique. Through it differs from others in the novel, you can base all types of situations, these characteristics. personality traits are informed, in general, in the story through actions, dialogue with other people in history, andbecome sometimes through flashbacks, can show how that person as they are.

If you are not familiar with personality traits, you can start the study of psychology books describe, dass Examples of personality traits are introvert / extrovert, obsessive-compulsive, Type "A" / Type "B" personality , etc. For example, an introverted person seems' so, do not talk much, and avoid social situations, while an extrovert is sociable,outgoing, and usually a partygoers.

There are many types of personalities to choose your hero, but in general, a female "romantic" should include: friendly, young, care, love, warm, easy, fun, non-sensitive, and attractive. For your heroes are the properties vary even more, and usually include are: older, more decisive, efficient, friendly, caring, single, soft and beautiful.

Normally, you should be characters in the round.However, careful to make it perfect. Readers prefer reading about realistic people, and yet you want some 'escape. Have you held a degree of improvement in order to character development. As a writer, you need to do some 'mental gymnastics, so this can happen. Maybe she is stubborn and obstinate and not listen to others for advice. Maybe someone does not trust, he is cautious and prudent. This is in order. Once you decide on the properties of the individualCharacter, the next step would be to imagine how they react to certain situations. For example, an impulsive person may react differently than a prudent person in the same situation. Be prepared to get into the shoes of your character and feel what they feel. When a hero and heroine to be together, help each other overcome their weaknesses of character, by the end of the story. Through their love for each other, help each other grow as people, andAt the same time, accept each other's faults and imperfections. Of course there will be some sort of conflict to get their love. What is there for a story without conflict? But at the end of the story, they recognize the importance of each other in their life and can not live without the other, no matter what the price. Ahhh, true love!


Once the age and individual characteristics of each character, then you need to give them a name that suits them. If the male character is a warrior, ora strong personality that mentality would not want to give it a name that sounds feminine, like Jean or Francis. Also be sensitive to the parameters, location and time on the name decision. In addition, the names of the other characters do not overpower the hero / heroine's name '.

Other characters

Once you have your main characters, then think about the others in the novel. What role will entertain players for the hero or the heroine going? If youjust add someone in the novel, because like him or her, but do not help the story, then think about how it might be useful for history. Maybe they know to add something that can be useful for the hero or heroine to be, then this is the story.

cardboard characters are the result of focusing on one dimension of a character. The character of cardboard can not hurt, well, funny, sad, etc. Do not waver much from this description. Sometimes they are in the novel has to provecharacter. For example, the board makes a bad guy the hero look good, fighting with him. This is the only purpose of the evil character has to show the good side of heroes. We're not trying to develop the character evil person, so that he / she is the lesser evil. But in recent literature, see people liking more harm trying to do their evil deeds, but somehow manages to make the reader feel sorry for her. These complex types are not like the cartoonCharacters.

Balancing Act

No matter how well you think, write, always go back and check your work for consistency. Make sure that if your hero has blue eyes at the beginning of the story is still blue eyes by the end of history, etc. Also, make sure you know your characters to write before. Otherwise, you'll see in your writing. Throughout history, it must accurately describe the real person in all their beauty and their characterDefects. When I went back and read the first draft of my romance novel "Lipsi's Daughter, I discovered that I lean more tend to make my characters too well. I went in and deliberately inserted a fault or two. These disorders also help in conflict drive conflict. history.

The final equilibrium is at the end where you will be created, or to summarize a whole new person a better person of the lessons that has developed in academicHistory. So now you have read this section, go ahead, write your characters. Make it alive!

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