The Rules of Romance

Thinking of writing a romance novel? There are certain rules and guidelines, the writer should keep in mind when they start.

The traditional structure of a romance begins with the introduction of the characters and the problem. The writer can begin to extend the characterization and the intimacy of the story. At the heart of the novel there is a high point of physical intimacy. The characters are then introduced a new problem and historywith the dissolution of the relationship should end.

Once the story structure was applied, there are several points to note plot, one of them "Happy Ever After." A novel is a novel, unless there is a Happy Ever After. This is a pretty solid rule. If you follow the traditional structure of the novel, but not satisfied forever after, you have a romance relationship, not one.

Another rule is known as a pretty solid "I just I have eyes for you. "If it meets the heroine and hero, is the story of how they are together as a couple. There is no room for third party love interest, because then someone is not always for the Get Happy.

A third rule of romance includes writing point of view. The most important point of view should be written using heroin perspective. Readers enjoy the hero, but he is not going to give the emotional content of the story is the player must achieve.

The> Genre pink, but very indulgent to see if there are some points of character in a scene. This is commonly known as "Lonesome Dove" point of view. This perspective changes between characters within a scene. Most professional writers / readers tend to shy away from it because the "head-hopping and can be confusing.

After the author has a plot that follows the above rules, then other arrangements for some loophole in thehistory. These rules include readers come to care about the characters, identification with the heroine and falls in love with the hero.

Can be broken the rules? Sure, but consider that when the story is probably a novel no less. When breaking the rules keep the following points be observed: know the rules of romance see what you would like to contact you if they break, and break everything - if you do then, do well.

There are no restrictionsWhat stories could be called a love story. If these limits are broken, look at the history of placement outside of the genre novel. Think about it: I only have eyes for you, Happy Ever After, and tells the story with a view of heroin.

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