The integration in the stories attraction Romance

The American Heritage Dictionary defines as an attraction:

The act or ability to attract.
The quality of the attraction, fascination.
A feature or characteristic that attracts.
A person, place, thing or event that is destined to win.

The attraction is a key component in any love story. Some of attraction for the moment is often love at first sight, or simply as a physical attraction. This type of attraction is often characterized by a contract personsomething wrong to another person. For example, he was mesmerized by his cobalt blue eyes, is an example of physical attraction. This type of attraction can occur in any environment.

develop a different kind of attraction, one that takes more time, is the intellectual appeal. This type of attraction is not immediately as it takes time to get to a person familiar to someone on an intellectual basis. The interaction between the two parties over an extended period of time, could lead tointellectual stimulation. Often this type of attraction in a business setting is displayed.

A third type of attraction that is often mentioned in accounts of the novel is the emotional attraction. Over time, the feeling that the couple their love for each other grows, adding to their attraction for each other. The feeling of support and assistance they receive from their partners, he adds the level of attraction they feel. This type of attraction is usually long-term Relations.

A final type of romantic attraction is often described in spiritual attraction. This term can be used in a religious sense, but this is not always the case. A sign of spirit is often described with words like strong, brave, scared or dented. These words evoke the image of the character in the reader's mind. These descriptions allow us to relate more than a physical level.

Make sure at least one type of attraction in your> Romance. The reader wants to know why the characters are drawn together. What makes them interesting for the other? And 'purely physical? Spiritual? Or a combination of different types of attraction? Make sure the player does not ask what went left of these characters together, and this strengthens the relationship.

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