Romance Books - Top Five novels of Linda Howard

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Some time ago I had a top ten books by Jayne Ann Krentz, this time I want to do a top five books by Linda Howard. The authors link these two together because they were both authors of romance novels since my early days of reading. I go back and read his books before.

Like Linda Howard does not have as many versions as Jayne Ann Krentz I have this limited to a top five instead of a Top-Ten, because it is a bit 'difficult for me. Here they are:

1.MacKenzie Mountain
2. After the night
3. Heart of Fire
4. Shades of Twilight
5. White Lies

MacKenzie's Mountain was originally a novel published by Silhouette Books category. It was the beginning of a series. The MacKenzie's other books are good, but I think this is still pending and all of his books.

The next books on the list, after the night, Heart of Fire and Shades of Twilight are all first novels. Highthe love story with a power throw things in motion. After the night and shadows of the twilight saga are oriented, while Heart of Fire takes place primarily in Brazil to find an exciting journey to the lost city directory.

The last on my list is on a new category Silhouette history. Was a tough decision, as I was able to harvest some. Almost always, Duncan's Bride, Now You See Her, all the contenders. But in the end I chose White Lies for the unusual historyand I like this story.

So you do not have my first five books by Linda Howard. Once again, as my Jayne Ann Krentz Top Ten, are all early works of Linda Howard. She was in a phase of my favorite author ever and I'm still happy to come back and read their books.

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