The Ten Best of 2009 Romance eBooks

Of all the GLBT romance and erotica e-book that I read in 2009, were my favorites. Please note that this list reflects my opinion is very subjective and not an official list of a site or organization.

10th Night of pink satin by Sharon Maria Bidwell. In another life Vincent was known as Count Dracula. In modern London, as he prepares for his annual cotillion vampire, Vincent is a bolt-Fuschia Pink Satin fascinated and obsessedfind out who wanted a coffin with a substance such as extravagant line. The answer leads him to some surprising truths about themselves in this unusual paranormal romance.

Queer ninth infestations Ken Summers. In my hometown of Truman's Entertainment Complex, consisting of two bars connected GLBT bar and a sports club dance. Did you ever stop to consider, may be gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender spirits and the spirits feel in control heterosexualAbout Ghost Hunter? This is the topic of the essay Queer infestations. If ever love ghost stories, you will find fascinating to visit the famous ghosts (Liberace once said that the restaurant is owned by, for example) to cut Whose ordinary people and couples lives tragically short.

8th Dandelion by Jay Mandel. Dandelion Jay Mandal is a sweet romance. Its main characters just happened to two men, David and Rob areEnglish children in 1980. In this study very realistic character, 20-something David Pines notice for 19 years, Rob, but Rob always wanted?

Seventh Agency of Extraordinary Mates: Finding Magic by Kate Douglas. I have enjoyed years of Kate Douglas spicy novels, and this book is no exception. It 's funny, and the reader will certainly magical!

Sixth I Kissed a Girl, published by Regina Perry. Inspired by the Katy Perry pop song, with twelve stories in this anthology CrackleTension. In each story, a woman kisses another woman for the first time. Sometimes, her boyfriend has no objection to it ... others are purely fantasies sapphic even with a Y chromosome perspective All are passionate, inspiring some wonderful stories are told in their writings. "

Fifth Heimlich Jade Bound. Jade and his wife Jessica live in the Netherlands with her young son. Jessica is desperate to have a child, but have difficulty becoming pregnant again. Jessica increasingDisappoint creates a gap between them, indicating a dangerous path Jade. It aims, her loneliness by flirting with a woman meets a social network to facilitate online. What follows is a tense mix of sensuality, romance and action. Fans of Anais Nin, type, Jade (the author) the story of Henry and June weaves into his story.

Other fourth magical creatures, edited by M. Rode. MCA is a collection of steam, Long stories / tales of the paranormalCharacters. There are a Weret, an artist who sells his soul to a demon again, a few witches, a handful of werewolves, the greek god as a bartender!

Third Samhain by Jesse Fox's Embrace. If you are interested in Celtic mythology, you will find a charming little volume. It 'a contemporary story set in modern times. Bran has lost the love of his life to a brutal murder ... and only a shadowy figure in the world of ancient gods and goddesses I feelback to life.

Second prize, by Lauren P. Burka. If your reading tastes are a bit 'weird, if you have a reader open mind, and if you like the premise "What if ?"... then the provision is maintained by Lauren P. Burka (Circle Press) has just the book for you. In these five delightful tales to win the race, and science pushes the boundaries between male and female, natural and unnatural.

Before Sappho sings Peggy Ullman Bell. I rarely have a novel five stars, but Iwas enormous with the quality of the narrative in Sappho sings, hit a fictional biography of the poet ancient greek by Peggy Ullman Bell. Whether you are familiar with Sappho timeless verses, this book brings history to life, and is a good novel rolicking well!

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