Book Review for "Devil in Winter"

Book review: "Devil in Winter"

Written by Lisa Lisa Kleypas calls

Avon Books

ISBN: 978-0-06-056251-9

374 pages

Print / ebook

4.5 stars

Lisa Kleypas calls pens a fascinating history of romance and fun with "Devil in Winter". This is the book Lisa Kleypas calls three 'Wallflower series, a collection of four stories with friends in Victorian England.

Located in London in 1843, Evangeline (Evie) Jenner, is a "tapestry" of a young woman withbright red hair, freckles and an embarrassing stutter. But while their appearance lends itself used a "tapestry" Evie has a strength of spirit and courage that few people can keep up.

The book begins with Evie Sebastien approaches Viscount St. Vincent, a scoundrel, the final degree, and proposes a marriage of convenience. Evie's father is dying, and she is about to inherit the debts of team play, only his mother's family in possession of a brutal, watchful eye on her. Now that EvieAge goes, is the proposal for St. Vincent. It's not the kind of woman that his attention was at first capture, but their bravery impressed him. When Evie asks why, she replied that they prefer to have a devil of their choice.

Evie and Sebastien race to Gretna Green, Scotland and get married. Sebastien reasons for entering the marriage initially include the promise of happiness Evie, but soon discovers that Evie made of stern stuff, and he admired them forit. After their wedding night full of passion, Sebastien recognizes that Evie is its soul in a way that other women have not touched.

Once back in London, Evie and Sebastien go to the club game, where Evie's father dies. Joss Bullard, a man in the club, and the family Evie give the couple a challenge to meet, especially when Bullard aims a gun which shoot Evie, her. However, there is Sebastien who finds the ball for his wife. Evie wants to give his inclination of a man on a possibility of love whenrecover?

Lisa Kleypas calls writing is crisp. The plot is sound and character driven. The pace slowed down to allow only the right side, pause for the reader breathless.

Lisa Kleypas calls descriptions are rich and vibrant, with a good economy during the slowdown that has never in history.

Both Evie and Sebastien grow as characters. When we met Sebastien, is flat, but in material wealth. Help, run the club and confidence Evie learns, grows, it was discovered that Eviestrong character, courage and strength means more to him as a possession.

When we met Evie shows her courage Sebastien early stages. She is fine with him because he knows what to expect from him. My scope of Sebastien stuttering diminished confidence in her, and she is learning again to trust him.

The novel is "hard / intense" for romance readers and Lisa Kleypas calls, the love scenes are graphic, but tasteful. Total "means Devil in Winter" is a reading that is sinfulkeep the reader Browse to see what happens next.

Reviewed by: S. Burkhart

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